• Emailinfo@kcstruktur.com
  • AddressHU-9200 Mosonmagyaróvár, Szent István király út 122.
  • Open Hours8.30-16.30
  • Emailinfo@kcstruktur.com
  • AddressHU-9200 Mosonmagyaróvár, Szent István király út 122.
  • Open Hours8.30-16.30

Special locks

Stainless steel materials are often used in the maritime industry. Unfortunately, only a few standard locks are made for this industry in these saltwater and weatherproof material finishes, which results that for all different locking systems new locks must be designed and produced. 

We have produced a couple of these locks in the past and we can make any type of custom locks on request. Are you interested?! Real protection and lifetime performance start with 316L stainless steel and other, marine approved materials and accessories.