• Emailinfo@kcstruktur.com
  • AddressHU-9200 Mosonmagyaróvár, Szent István király út 122.
  • Open Hours8.30-16.30
  • Emailinfo@kcstruktur.com
  • AddressHU-9200 Mosonmagyaróvár, Szent István király út 122.
  • Open Hours8.30-16.30

Product Features

KC Virus Mask

Nelson Labs tested viral filtration

Pre-order now! - WEBSHOP

Viral and bacterial filtration efficiency 99,98%


Flexible, with soft edges - sealing performance


Resistant to high temperatures up to 121°C


Made from skin-safe materials


KC Mask – VBF99.9

EN: KC Mask is “the mask” on the market to stop viruses and bacteria with specially developed virus filters. This patented mask and filters provide 99,98% viral and bacterial filtration efficiency and stop perfectly viruses, bacteria, pollen, dust, germs and allergens too. These PPE III. category COVID-19 masks are produced in Hungary (EU).

To receive the latest news follow us! @kc.mask – Instagram.

HU: A KC maszk az egyetlen védelmet biztosító “MASZK” a piacon, amely megvédi a felhasználó környezetét és a felhasználót a vírusoktól és baktériumoktól a speciálisan kifejlesztett vírus- és baktériumszűrős szűrők segítségével.

Az európai forma- és mintaoltalommal ellátott maszk a beépített szűrőkkel 99,98 %-os szűrési hatásfokkal működik mindkét irányban (belégzés és kilégzés egyaránt) teljes mértékben megállítva a vírusokat, pollent és más nano- és mikrorészecskéket, mint például a baktériumokat és allergéneket is. Az egyéni védőeszközök kategóriájú vírus- és baktériumszűrő KC Maszkokat Magyarországon a KC Struktur Kft. gyártja és forgalmazza.

Iratkozz fel a levelezési listánkra a friss hírekért! Kövess minket a @kc.mask – Instagram oldalán.

KC Mask VBF99.9 – Nelson Labs tested virus filters

EN: The mask and various accessories are available in different colors and sizes to suit your face shape and clothing style.

With the adjustable straps and long-lasting nanotech filters, tested in Nelson Laboratories the masks provide safety and a comfortable fit through a long day or even 24 hours long flight journeys.

This filtering half mask is manufactured for SARS-CoV-2 protection only. As requested by World Health Organization recommendations, for this specific use, the nominal protection factor given by this filtering half mask is the same as the FFP2 nominal protection factor defined in EN149:2001+A1:2009. This filtering half mask is not a filtering half mask for general use and shall not be used for purposes other than protection against COVID-19. The filtering half mask with single filter does not fulfil the requirements for PPE directive.



Identification data of the records of examination for compliance of PPE:
a. Certification Body: Gepteszt Kft.
EU Type – Examination certificate: No.:TD11/GT350/315/2104/E/2233
b. Identification of body: NB2233

Documentation of the compliance with the essential health and safety protection requirements:
– Regulation (EU) 2016/425 of the European Parliament of the Council
– Recommendation For Use PPE-R 02.075 Version 02

If you have specific questions or would like more information regarding the product, please call Us!

Our goal is to slow down the spread of the virus, to provide reusable and functioning masks to as many as possible during the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.

For your information: disposable particulate respirators FFP1, FFP2 and FFP3 are designed for personal protection. These mask and filters serve to protect against particulates such as dust particles, droplets, and aerosols like NaCl and paraffin oil, but none of these FFP (PPE) masks are certified or approved for the filtering or protection against any virus. KC Mask VBF99.9 is tested, and also PPE certified!

KC Virus Mask – product features :

  • exchangeable virus filters with 99.98% viral efficiency, tested for 24h active use in the medical, virus-contaminated environment by Nelson Labs & Gépteszt Kft. – Certification Body 2233
  • lightweight, flexible structure with soft lips for a tight connection with variable face shapes 
  • twin filter design, for a record low resistance, less than 1.5mbar breathing resistance at 95l/min
  • for the safer use and user environment protection, the mask has no valves
  • made of soft, temperature-resistant, skin-safe medical materials, certified after ISO 10993
  • reusable body, exchangeable filters and spare parts to ensure a long product lifetime
  • can tolerate disinfectants, alcoholic cleaning products, high-temperatures up to 121°C
  • double strap design for fast securing and easy adjustments
  • not unisex – different size for male and female users
  • equipped with adjustable nose clip and support for eyeglasses
  • equipped with special seals ensuring no fogging on glasses

Our filters have medical certificates and our production it’s approved after ISO 9001 quality management standards to ensure top quality products with the use of laboratory tested materials after ISO 10993.

Relative sizes of airborne particles

Viruses, bacteria, mould spores, pollen, dust and animal dander all have a specific particle size. Depending on which of these particles you are allergic to, there is a filter that performs sufficiently to stop these particles. Our filters can stop the smallest virions from the air, up to a size of 0.027μm, retaining 99,98% the bacteria and viruses from the inhaled as from the exhaled air.

General information:

Coronavirus (2019-nCov)

The disease was first identified in December 2019 in Wuhan, the capital of China’s Hubei province, and has since spread globally, resulting in the ongoing 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic.

The virus is mainly spread during close contact and by small droplets produced when those infected coughs, sneeze or talk. These droplets may also be produced during breathing and can spread through the air over small distances, especially in non-ventilated rooms, indoors. People may also become infected by touching a contaminated surface and then their face. For this reason, masks are the best products to slow down the spread of the virus!

Our mask is a new generation, another category mask, with tested viral and bacterial filters. Our mask is been tested as PPE and is categorized after EN 149:2001+A1:2009 respiratory protective devices, as a cat. III equipment, as special COVID-19 protective equipment.

For news regarding the sales and new developments & products, please subscribe to our newsletter! Tel: +36 70 675 2023 – customer service / e-mail: order@kcvirusmask.com